
HELP Program Guidelines and Application

HELP Program Guidelines and Application

DDP Guidelines


Higher Education Working Capital Loan Program

During 1996, the Authority established the Higher Education Working Capital Loan Program to help alleviate cash flow difficulties that are typically experienced during part of each fiscal year by higher educational institutions. The Program allows participating institutions to borrow money under an advance funding agreement to provide funds during that portion of its current fiscal year when funds are not yet on hand to pay expenses as incurred.


School District Advance Funding Program

In 1985 the Authority and the Missouri School Boards Association established the Missouri School District Advance Funding Program to provide the lowest cost financing available for Missouri school districts and public community junior colleges to fund any cash flow deficits that might occur in their various funds during the fiscal year. Some of the advantages of participating in the program include low borrowing rates, high investment rates, costs of issuance shared by all participants and easy access to funds.